prefix: §6UltimateEvents §8» # Prefix
help: # Messages for command help
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events reload'
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events scheduler'
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events hook <event>'
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events now <event>'
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events start <event>'
- '{PREFIX} §ePlease use the following command §8» §6/events stop <event>'
argument: §cPlease enter more arguments # Message if argument is empty
unknown: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §edoesn''t exist.' # Message if event doesn't exist
hook: '{PREFIX} §cThere is no hook register.' # Message if PAPI isn't register
now-successful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §ehas been successfully started' # Message when event is now
now-unsuccessful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §efailed to be started' # Message when event can't be now
start-successful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §ehas been successfully started' # Message when event is start
start-unsuccessful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §efailed to be started' # Message when event can't be start
stop-successful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §ehas been successfully stopped' # Message when event is stop
stop-unsuccessful: '{PREFIX} §6{event} §efailed to be stopped' # Message when event can't be stop
event-list: '{PREFIX} §eThe following events are: {events}' # Message when you see the list of events
format: # Location translate
color-location-default: GRAY # Color that will is used before and after translate
color-location-use: GREEN # Color that is used into the translate
decount: # Title section
message: §f§l» §e {event} §fwill start in §b{time} §fseconds. # Message when start
header: '&bUltimate Events' # Header of title
fade-in-time: 20 # The time of the fade in of title (in ticks)
show-time: 40 # The time of the show time of title (in ticks)
fade-out-time: 20 # The time of the fade out of title (in ticks)
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