Capture the area for the specified time.

event: KOTH
name: "South Koth"
timeScore: 300 # Target time to conquest the koth
messages: # Messages section
  onStart: "{PREFIX} &7The event &eKoth &7started at {location}."
  onStop: "{PREFIX} &7The event &eKoth &7stopped."
  onFinish: "{PREFIX} &7The event &eKoth &7finished."
  onReset: "{PREFIX} &b{player} &7of group &e{group} &7failed to capture the &eKoth&7."
  onCaptured: "{PREFIX} &b{player} &7of group &e{group} &7conquest the &eKoth&7."
rewards: # Rewards section
  - "give {player} diamond 3"
  - "classement give {group} 10"
  - "say {player} won the event"
  - "GG {group}"
lines: # Lines to appears in title start decount
  - "&fEvent: &eKoth"
  - "&f&lยป &fCapture the area in {timeScore}"
  - "&f&lยป &fWin $3000 for the winner."
area: # Cuboid of area
  world-name: "world"
    x: 100
    y: 85
    z: 100
    x: 105
    y: 85
    z: 105

Last updated