Be the first to succeed in completely destroying the monument.
event: TOTEM
name: "East Totem"
numberOfBlocks: 5 # Number of blocks to destroy
materialBlocks: IRON_BLOCK # Material of block to destroy
messages: # Messages questions
onStart: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bTotem &7started at {location}."
onStop: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bTotem &7stopped."
onFinish: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bTotem &7finished."
useCorrectItem: "{PREFIX} &7Please use diamond sword."
mustGroup: "{PREFIX} &cYou must have a group."
cancelMessage: "{PREFIX} &e{player} &7of group &b{group} &7cancelled &b{current}."
destroyMessage: "{PREFIX} &e{player} &7of group &b{group} &7destroyed another blocks. &b{remaining} &7blocks are remaining."
rewards: # Rewards section
- "give {player} diamond 3"
- "say {player} destroyed the last block"
- "say {group} GG"
lines: # Lines to appears in title start decount
- "&fEvent: &bTotem"
- "&f&lยป &fDestroy the {remaining} blocks"
- "&f&lยป &fWin $10000 for the winner."
area: # Location of totem
world-name: "world"
x: 500
y: 120
z: 500
Last updated
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