Destroy the core of the nexus, the player with the most damage inflicted wins.

event: NEXUS
name: "Mega Nexus"
healthScore: 1000 # Health of nexus
healthFormat: "&dHealth: {health}/{maxhealth} โค" # Name of nexus
messages: # Messages section
  onStart: "{PREFIX} &7The event &dNexus &7started at {location}."
  onStop: "{PREFIX} &7The event &dNexus &7stopped."
  onFinish: "{PREFIX} &7The event &dNexus &7finished."
rewards: # Rewards section
  - "give {player} diamond 3"
  - "say {player} made the more damage"
lines: # Lines to appears in title start decount
  - "&fEvent: &dNexus"
  - "&f&lยป &fDestroy the Nexus with &d{health} โค"
  - "&f&lยป &fWin $10000 for the winner."
area: # Location of nexus
  world-name: "world"
  x: 500
  y: 120
  z: 500

Last updated