Capture the flags and bring them back to the location indicated.
event: CTF
name: "Blue CTF"
location: # Location to bring back it
world-name: "world"
x: 50
y: 85
z: 50
material: BLUE_WOOL # The material to bring back
flagTime: 300 # Time before drop the flag if the player didn't bring back it
messages: # Messages section
onStart: "{PREFIX} &7The event &aCTF &7started at {location}."
onStop: "{PREFIX} &7The event &aCTF &7stopped."
onFinish: "{PREFIX} &7The event &aCTF &7finished."
onCapture: "{PREFIX} &b{player} &7of group &e{group} &7captured a flag."
onBringback: "{PREFIX} &b{player} &7of group &e{group} &7has bring back a flag."
onSpawn: "{PREFIX} &7A flag has spawned at {location}."
onReset: "{PREFIX} &7Group &b{group} &7reset the flags."
rewards: # Rewards section
- "give {player} diamond 3"
- "say {player} won the ctf"
lines: # Lines to appears in title start decount
- "&fEvent: &aCTF"
- "&fBring back the flags to {location}"
- "&fWin $5000 for the winner."
flags: # All the flags location to bring back
world-name: "world"
x: 250
y: 85
z: 250
world-name: "world"
x: -250
y: 85
z: -250
world-name: "world"
x: -250
y: 85
z: 250
world-name: "world"
x: 250
y: 85
z: -250
Last updated
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