Answer to the differents questions asked in the chat and answer them correctly.
name: "Simple Question"
questionDelay: 10000 # Time between each question (in millis)
messages: # Messages section
onStart: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bChat Question &7started."
onStop: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bChat Question &7stopped."
onFinish: "{PREFIX} &7The event &bChat Question &7finished."
onAnswer: "{PREFIX} &b{player} &7answered correctly &e{answer} &7in &b{time}s."
rewards: # Rewards section
- "give {player} diamond 3"
lines: # Lines to appears in title start decount
- "&fEvent: &bChat Question"
- "&f&lยป &fAnswer the question correctly"
- "&f&lยป &fGet a reward for the first"
questions: # All questions with answers
question: "&eQuestion &7ยป &bHow much is 6 + 5 * 20"
answer: "106"
question: "&eQuestion &7ยป &bWhat is the capital of australia"
answer: "Canberra"
question: "&eQuestion &7ยป &bHow do we call the inhabitants of the united states"
answer: "Americans"
Last updated
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